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gathurUP helps you get friends together easily from finding the best dates and places that work for everyone as well as tracking RSVP status and sharing event details - no more endless text threads or confusing group chats.
Let your group know the when, where, attire, food, and more.
See the RSVP status of each person in the group.
Quickly find the best dates that work for everyone in your group.
Quickly find the preferred location for your next trip or get together.
No more crazy text threads and email chains looking for the best dates.
No Ads. No tricks. Use the program all you want and save your money for the fun.
"gathurUP has been a game-changer for planning our group outings." - Tiffanie
"gathurUP is so much better than Doodle and other scheduling tools." - Chip
"gathurUP made finding the best weekend so much easier!" - Audrey
"I love how simple gathurUP is to find dates that work for everyone." - Emily
"No more spreadsheets! gathurUP makes it easy to find trip dates. My friends and I LOVE IT!" - Frannie
"I love how my friends don't even need an account to vote on the dates." - Mindy
"We easily found our best book club night without all the back and forth." - Meg
"I've tried apps like Doodle, but this is super simple, FREE, and no ads!" - Rachel
Create your gathurUP account and start planning your next get together with ease.
No app to download for you or your guests. Your guests don't even need an account or email!
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